Tuesday 13 September 2011

Yo Pip, what's your beef with Vodafone?

So anyone who knows me will know that I hate Vodafone. I used to have a phone that was on Vodafone on contract and  when I found out they had dodged  £6,000,000,000 I was disgusted. On my bill (extortionate may I add) they charge me extra for VAT, what are you claiming tax on my contract if you're not bothering to pay it?
Bitches better recognise, Vodafone was being proper naughty. And at a time when we are facing cuts to our health care, education and public sector pensions and university funding has been cut so severely that universities are forced to charge upward of £9,000 it seemed totally unjust that one of the wealthiest phone companies is increasing their profit, £45.88 billion (2011), by taking tax of individuals and not paying them back into the society that allows it to profit so well.
There are of course people who say that Vodafone not paying it's taxes is simply 'tax effciency', even after Vodafone has come out and said that it did owe tax. I thought about that, but if an individual decided to indulge in a little 'tax effciency' what would happen? Remember that Grandma who refused to pay her council tax and got taken to court for it?

Why doesn't this happen with big corporations? Could it possibly;ey be that our government is in cahoots with these tax avoiding monsters?....... No, my government loves me. Don't tell me otherwise.

So I began to get angry and I when I get angry, I get determined. I sent some feedback to the CEO of Vodafone, this is how it went
Name- Payyour Mc Taxesvodafone
Number- 07766677666
Email- payyourtaxes@hotmail.com
Feedback- Pay your fucking taxes you cretin.

I know, very mature of me, but at the time, I was actually very angry. And when I heard Guy Lawrenceson hadn't acted on my sound moral advice I decided to go further. I decided that if Vodafone wouldn't pay their taxes I wouldn't pay their bill. Obviously this ends worse for me in the end as the bills mount up, and even though I notified them that I wasn't paying my bill they were unhappy about it. Finally I spoke to a woman after my service had been cut off and she tried to pressure me into paying my bill and we had very interesting conversation. It turns out that Vodafone is allowed to leave unpaid bills because it's a faceless multi- billion pound corporation but a working class student from the north isn't. Now I get it.

After a while I wanted to take more direct action ( can't no bitch call me an armchair activist) and got involved with Uk Uncut where I found my local branch and got involved. It's the humour of the thing that makes me laugh, Uk Uncut members go into Vodafone and naughty banks and open up temporary public services (schools, hospitals and libraries). Who doesn't want an excuse as an adult to dress up like a fool. For anyone who's ever seen a business get away with extensive white collar crime and thought 'It's OK because it's victimless' let me say this to you; We are the victims of white collar crime, especially tax avoidance.
That £6,000,000,000 could of been used to buy
47,223 Nurses employment for a year.
27, 168 Doctors for a year.
40,256 Social Workers for a year
38,300 Police Officers for a year
35,462 Firefighters for a year
59,948 Soldiers for a year
Not one of these, all of these. It appalls me that at a time when we could really do with the money, the lacking  morals of a company that has been made successful by our boom is selfish enough to with hold money that could cushion the bust. The media didn't want to pick it up, it's lost no sponsors, the government aren't in any hurry to reclaim it. SO as customers, individuals and tax payers, we're the victims and we should be the debt collectors.

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